• Preparation and characterization of nanomaterials
  • Preparation and characterization of biomaterials
  • Preparation and characterization of new materials (metals, ceramics, polymers, composites, nanosustainables, etc)
  • Preparation and characterization of sensors and biosensors
  • Preparation and characterization of functional materials (catalysts, electrodes, membranes, nanofilms, multilayers, etc)



  • Production of raw materials and energy from renewable sources
  • Production of new molecules from recovered organic substances and/or secondary raw materials
  • Use of water resources for food and agricultural purposes, protecting the land and generating power
  • Agrifood
  • Aquaculture
  • Agriculture




  • Biorefining
  • Biotechnology (eg wood and cellulose biomass)
  • Biomaterials and biobased products
  • Green chemistry





  • Environmental monitoring
  • Hardware and software platforms based on sensors and ICT delivering and supporting environmental monitoring, security, warning and analysis of environmental data and related processes.
  • Management and processing of big data
  • Reclamation of contaminated sites
  • Prevention, reduction and evaluation of environmental risks
  • Waste management (from the perspective of the circular economy)
  • Management, control and treatment of drinking, agricultural, industrial and waste water from industrial and domestic waste
  • Management and monitoring of the marine and port environments



  • Photovoltaics
  • Wind energy
  • Biomass
  • Geothermal energy
  • Fuel cells
  • Decision support systems
  • Fossil power generation
  • Process efficency and environmental sustainability



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